Actress Leah Gottfried: Balancing Religion & Hollywood

Is it possible for an Orthodox Jewish lady to have a successful career in Hollywood? According to Leah Gottfried, it’s possible, but very challenging. She recently shared her personal experience, trying to balance the two, and often feeling unwelcome in both communities, stating: “I felt rejected. Rejected by the people of my faith who told me it wasn’t possible to be an Orthodox actor. Rejected by a Hollywood system that gave me that same message. And yet I loved both worlds and couldn’t imagine living my life in just one of them.”

While her experience is unique, everyone can relate to not fitting in, longing for a dream job that seems unattainable, and dealing with countless naysayers. Because of her beauty, talent and determination, Leah has been able to carve out her own path while staying true to her faith. Not only does she act, write, produce and direct, she created Soon By You, a comedic web series—which I’ve blogged about before—that centers on young Orthodox Jews dating in NYC.

Leah is living proof that one can be religious and have a career in the secular world, without compromising their ideals. Very inspirational!
