Cleaning Challenge: Join in the Fun


I don’t know about you, but during the holidays my house is a complete wreck. Having more visitors and activity is awesome, but the extra dishes, laundry, and dirt is not. Since I don’t want to live in chaos, I’m putting myself on a cleaning challenge. Anyone who is in a similar situation is more than welcome to join in.

In the past, I’ve done marathon cleaning sessions in one day, but I find it hard to block off that much time, plus it really exhausts me. This week, I’m breaking it down into mini sessions and I hope that will give me more motivation because it should be easier.

Here is my to-do list. I don’t expect to cross everything single item off, but it’s a general game plan and I need it written out for structure:

Monday – Kitchen

Clean stovetop

Clean microwave

Clean refrigerator

Clean cabinets

Run 2 loads of dishes

Mop floor

Tuesday – Bathrooms

Clean sinks

Clean bathtub & shower, using grapefruit/salt method

Clean toilets

Wipe mirrors

Mop floors

Wednesday – Laundry

Wash & change sheets

Wash 3 loads of clothes, possibly more

Wash towels

Fold/put away all laundry once finished

Thursday – Miscellaneous

Dust/clean furniture

Wipe down computers/TVs/Phones

Wash windows & sills

Friday – Foyer

Sweep foyer & shake mats

Straighten coat closet (shoes/hats/gloves/umbrellas, etc.)

Wipe down walls & doorway


Does this seem like a loooooong list? Yes, but it has to be done. And while it’s a great start, not everything is covered like the bedrooms. Basically, I want to restore order and make things look nice—for my family and guests who are coming to a party.


Let me know if—and what—you’re cleaning and we’ll commiserate!
