“Desmond is Amazing” Debacle: Child Abuse & Exploitation

Step into the unbelievable world of Desmond Napoles aka “Desmond is Amazing,” and prepare to have your mind blown. 

This little boy, who is only 11-years-old and autistic, has become the poster child for abuse and exploitation, perpetrated by his own parents, Wendy and Andrew Napoles. 

That may sound like a very strong accusation, but I feel it’s 100% warranted after carefully studying this troubling situation. 

I first became aware of Desmond after seeing him on the Today show. Not only was his behavior and clothing over the top for one so young, he also appeared to be sedated and was thin to the point of malnourishment. (Look how scary-skinny his little arms are!)

From my research, I discovered that at the tender age of two, Desmond’s parents encouraged him to watch Rupaul’s Drag Race, which “allowed” him to realize he was gay. After that, they began taking him to live drag shows and pride parades. All of these unwholesome influences led to his “dream career” as America’s youngest Drag Kid and LGBTQ advocate. 

Obviously, such an unusual lifestyle will provoke concern and criticism. The Napoles family has experienced such awful things as having their home address published, death threats, repeated calls to CPS, job loss, and financial problems. According to Wendy, she is unable to find any job at all due to their notoriety and the family is so poor, they’ve had numerous GoFundMe accounts.

Now, at that point, any reasonable parent would step back and honestly assess the situation. If it were me, I would never, ever do anything that would put my family in jeopardy, nor would I do something that amounts to career suicide. 

Dear Wendy, however, decides that Desmond can be the breadwinner and she will be his “Dragager” which means Drag Manager. She has created a website, social media accounts, and books him for public appearances, one of which has caused international outcry. This particular event, with Desmond performing at a gay club, late at night, literally had me in tears.

Imagine letting a young child dance suggestively while accepting dollar bills from grown men, dressed as Gwen Stefani. It is truly beyond belief!

For those who are willing to give the parents the benefit of the doubt, or those who claim this is simply homophobia, let’s dig even deeper. 

In 2017, Desmond was interviewed on the Peeew Podcast. One of the hosts is a notorious drug addict and convicted murderer, Michael Alig. This man, who tortured his victim by injecting him with Drano and then dismembered the body and threw it into the river, spent decades in solitary confinement due to being an incorrigible prisoner. (Does that sound like someone you’d want around your child?)

Since being released, he’s been arrested 3 times and is periodically homeless, yet Desmond claims Michael and the other 80’s Drag Kids are his “heroes and inspiration.”

I don’t believe any child should be exposed to sexuality—whether it’s gay or straight. Sex is for adults, just like drag costumes and pride parades. I don’t know if Desmond is actually gay, but it doesn’t matter. He is a precious little child who is being horribly used and abused, by adults that are pushing an agenda, rather than protecting his welfare. 

Society has an obligation to keep kids safe. If the parents are willing to sell their souls for fame, and exploit a baby to do it, the law needs to intervene. I am so scared for Desmond’s present and future. He deserves a stable and loving home, an education, adequate food, and medical care—none of which he is currently receiving. 

Please pray that the proper authorities will get involved and fix the situation. Desmond is NOT a throw-away child. He is a human being, created by God, who needs help before something truly awful happens.

10 thoughts on ““Desmond is Amazing” Debacle: Child Abuse & Exploitation

  1. Lindsey

    I had never heard of this child. Your account left me literally open-mouthed and nearly in tears. Why have authorities not stepped in to stop this exploitation? They took action with those parents who were you-tubing themselves scaring their children and yelling at them. This is much worse, as far as I am concerned.

  2. montanacindy

    Wow, this leaves me just speechless. There just aren’t words for what these horrible parents are doing. I pray someone who knows this family will do what it takes to get help for Desmond and stop the abuse.

  3. Mrs. C

    Satan never sleeps. I worry so much for the children today. They are exposed to the worst evil, more than previous generations. Seeing people praise this mother is absurd. She is lower than a snake. Children do not have a sexuality. They don’t know what gay is. The parents and society are pushing it onto them.

  4. John M

    Strange to see a Jewish person condemning this. It’s typically Jews promoting this behavior.
    It has me curious about your other views, where you come from politically and philosophically, and why you differ so much from seemingly every other Jew out there.

    I agree with your view of Desmond’s behavior.
    His parents should be burried under the prison.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Anyone that’s Jewish should be following God’s law, which condemns this practice. This is not normal, it’s not healthy and children need to be protected. There are some Jews who are totally secular that support this, but not those who are observant. I’ve met atheists that are shocked by Desmond’s case! It’s just crazy.

  5. Common2cents

    There’s a agenda happening. Do you see it? Everything pride this and trans that. Rainbow there and bring your kids to drag shows here. Drag queen story time and Disney wants to include more gay characters in their shows. Apparently judges can’t identify what a woman is, and meanwhile giving hormones to toddlers to change their gender is ok now… did anyone see Cuties on Netflix? Please don’t.
    The agenda is here and it’s getting out of control. The sexualization of our children is here.
    Most of this nonsense is coming from 1 area of a political party: the radical Left.
    And it’s only going to get worse.
    Why is this happing? Why are we allowing this to happen?
    It’s simple.
    Ad Hominem.
    You will be called every name in the book, every awful horrible thing and you will canceled because no one wants to be labeled a homophobe, or transphobic. It’s career ruining. So, normal everyday people will bend to the every will of the radical left just so they will be accepted by the community.
    I will not bend. I’m not trans or homophobic. I love everyone.
    But I do not agree with the sexualization of children, period.
    Stay the hell away from the children.

  6. Susana Wright

    Why would anyone allow this to go on? CPS has not removed him from this abusive home? Someone needs to intervene here for this child’s sake. I am praying for him. Please Lord…

