Frugal Luxuries: The Beauty of Simplicity

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you’ll know that one of my mantras is “keep it simple.” Most of us have a tendency to overspend, over-complicate and overwhelm ourselves; in the process, we miss out on some of the beauty of simplicity.

Last night, I was sifting through my bookshelf and case across something I hadn’t read in years, Frugal Luxuries. To call it a good book is an understatement. Originally developed as a newsletter, Tracy McBride gathered her best tips into a single volume that makes for a delightful read. I really enjoy how she stresses the difference between being thrifty as opposed to miserly, and shows how you can pamper yourself without spending a lot of money.

There are tidbits about food, interior decorating, clothing, travel, etc. Sound advice like “buy less in general, but only the best quality you can afford” will never go out of style. 

Here are a few frugal luxuries that are within everyone’s reach (for $10.00 or less):

  • Take a hot bath
  • Take a walk at sunset or sunrise
  • Pick up a bouquet of flowers at the grocery store
  • Grab a sweet from the bakery
  • Paint your nails
  • Try a new lipstick
  • Wear soft slippers around the house
  • Drink a fancy coffee or glass of wine
  • Replace your hairbrush
  • Decant liquids into a pretty container (soap, olive oil, etc.)
  • Wear bright colors
  • Spend 2 hours by yourself
  • Write a pen-and-paper letter to a loved one
  • Buy a goldfish
  • Sit in a quiet room – no TV, no radio, no talking

Are any of these ideas revolutionary? No, but everybody needs an occasional break from the hustle and bustle. By taking a breather and cheering yourself up with a little treat, life seems a lot less scary and the simple life is the most manageable of all. 

Remind yourself to slow down, to actually enjoy the day, rather than rushing through it and crossing to-do’s off a list. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured! 

5 thoughts on “Frugal Luxuries: The Beauty of Simplicity

  1. Sandy Klocinski

    I was tired of more frequent trips to the salon after I cut my hair short. So I bought a cheap hair care set on Amazon and learned to trim my hair using YouTube. Now that I’ve got the hang of it, my hair is always precisely how I like it.

  2. Brittany Carter

    As long as I can remember I have cut my own hair I think I remember 3 trips to the salon and I’m 31 my mom taught me how and luckily it’s curly and forgiving but to get the back straight I make a center part all the way down to my neck pull both sides to the front and hold them centered under my chin this is also how I get a taper from front to back

