How to Keep Flowers Fresh Longer

Fresh flowers are one of the greatest joys in life. Whether it’s a fancy rose bouquet or a simple daisy growing on the side of the road, I truly love them all—especially if they’re purple (my favorite color).

Unfortunately, they wilt much too quickly, some even the same day you buy them! Here are a few tricks to keep flowers fresh longer:

  • Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle
  • Remove all foliage below the water line
  • Fill the vase with lukewarm water
  • Change water daily
  • Mist petals with water if they look dry
  • Keep away from direct sunlight
  • Put the vase in the fridge overnight

Don’t forget that flowers, like all living things, need to be nourished. Use flower food packets, if they come with a bouquet. If not, it’s actually easy to make some. Combine dissolved sugar and apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons each, per quart of water, along with a 1/2 teaspoon of bleach.

Extremely fussy flowers like daffodils and tulips truly do need professional packets, but everything else seems to thrive with homemade food, in my experience.

Do you have any flower tips? I’d love to hear them!

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