The Importance of World Water Day

Drinking, bathing, washing, cleaning…can you even imagine a day without using water? I certainly can’t! Most Americans are so incredibly fortunate to have 24/7 access to safe drinking water, but what about those who don’t?

Today, on World Water Day, we need to be mindful of their misery. For so long, this issue was considered to be a Third World problem—limited amounts, polluted sources, etc. The needless, outrageous tragedy in Flint, Michigan has proven that’s not so!

Every person, plant, and animal on Earth needs water to survive, making it a universal issue. Cities and towns must invest the extra money to upgrade systems, perform frequent maintenance and ensure tests are being conducted regularly. Individuals must conserve water and properly dispose of waste. Another thing that we can all do is eat more meatless meals.

Like any problem, it’s not easily solved with a snap of the fingers, but if we work together, it can happen. Just think how scary the alternative would be…
