Interesting Debate About Emoji Discrimination – Yarmulkes, Hijabs and Turbans

Can emojis discriminate, and if so, is every group entitled to representation? According to some European Rabbis, the answer is “Yes,” and they’re fighting for Jewish symbols to be incorporated—yarmulkes, Torah, hats, etc.

Since my phone already offers menorah, synagogue, and Star of David options, I’ve never considered it a problem (quite frankly, it wasn’t even on my radar).

According to some, they feel it’s extremely unfair to offer a hijab emoji and a turban emoji, but not to offer a yarmulke emoji. In the most literal sense, if some religious symbols are available, then yes, all of them should be included.

What I find amusing is that emojis have taken on such importance in our society. When I was growing up, the fight for equality was in the real-life sphere, not the digital one. Things certainly have changed!

While it may aid in the cause of diversity and help individuals to feel included, I seriously doubt that an emoji wearing a yarmulke can combat anti-Semitism. Some problems don’t have simple answers and surely, that’s one of them. Regardless, I support emojis for everyone.

4 thoughts on “Interesting Debate About Emoji Discrimination – Yarmulkes, Hijabs and Turbans

  1. Tara1973

    I worry about kids today, who have never lived in “real world” and are addicted to phones and video games. They can’t talk to anyone, seem totally tuned out to life and are almost in a trance. It seems like emoji and computer talk is making the world worse.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      It’s hard to say if tech makes the world better or worse. I can see both sides. Kids now are different, that’s correct. They have different habits, interests and behavior. I do miss how things were when we were little, but the kids have access to thing we never had. It’s a trade off.

  2. tannawings

    To younger folks, I guess an emoji makes a difference. I would be more concerned they would be ued the opposite way- meaning in a negative way. Face it, kids an some adults are cruel. But I do agree, if there is one there should be an option for all. I dont use a cell phone, and do not much use emojis, so for me it is a moot point.

