Israel Wants Peace, Hamas Wants War

Once again, vicious terrorists have struck Israel, in a totally unprovoked attack, with over 300 rockets—so far—being sent to target innocent civilians. The culprits, of course, were Hamas, a group that exists only to terrorize and destroy.

No matter what Israel does, and they literally give millions in aid money to the Arabs, it is never enough for Hamas. These wicked people seek the complete destruction of the Jewish State and wish to replace it with an Islamic Jihadi State. 

Anyone who dares to defend Hamas as a legitimate group needs to read up on their history—who they are, what they believe, and the sickening lengths to which they will stoop. It is unbelievably evil!

Israel does not target civilians. Israel does not start wars. Yes, they use defense to protect their citizens and property, which is more than acceptable, it’s required. Every country on earth has the right to defend itself, after all. It’s so odd to me that only Israel is held to an impossible standard. 

When will the men, women, and children of Israel get to live a quiet life without fear? When will the safe rooms and bomb shelters, that dot every part of the country, stop being necessary? When will mothers of newborn babies not have to obtain gas masks for their infants? Surely, Israeli citizens deserve to live in peace like we enjoy here in America.

Instead of pretending that Hamas is good, let’s call them what they are: the worst sort of anti-Semitic monsters crawling on planet earth today. I have no sympathy for terrorists and I never will. My heart will always be with the innocent victims.

4 thoughts on “Israel Wants Peace, Hamas Wants War

  1. Aliya

    You’re always apologizing for a criminal state that ABUSES its own citizens. Of course you think Israel is always innocent when you’re on the winning side.

    1. Keep America great 2020

      Who’s this dumb broad? Israel’s awesome… God’s chosen people were given a place to live from GOD himself. Not the descendants of the shunned son of Abraham. NO APOLOGIES HERE FOR STANDING UP FOR WHAT’S RIGHT… search and destroy
      P.S. TJL for life

      1. The Jewish Lady Post author

        So glad to see you want to protect Israel. I truly adore my friends in the Christian Zionist community. The support from you guys is awesome. You are right that we do not need to apologize for what’s good and just. To love and support America and Israel can NEVER be wrong!

