Jewish Family Terrorized During Spirit Airlines Flight

Spirit airline markets itself as a budget-friendly, no frills carrier. While none of their customers expect luxury, they do expect—and should receive—common courtesy. One family is sharing their nightmare experience of being terrorized by a flight attendant who called them “Retarded Jews.”

All of their troubles stemmed from a dispute over a car seat. Mr. and Mrs. Beck had received approval for the seat from a gate agent. The flight attendant, however, not only refused, but was extremely rude.

The Becks complied, even though it was a huge hardship since they were traveling with 3 children, aged 3 and younger, including a 6-week-old baby. As if that bad treatment wasn’t enough, it got even worse!

During the flight, Mr. Beck attempted to change seats so he could sit with his wife. A male flight attendant threatened him with arrest, becoming confrontational when the Becks protested and begged to stay together. 

Needless to say, this was shocking to everyone on board and others have expressed their outrage. “It was clearly anti-Semitism, a personal thing,” one passenger stated. 

After their flight from hell landed, two police officers and two Spirit supervisors escorted the family off the plane and they were told that their return tickets had been cancelled.

I can not wait to see how Spirit is going to explain this kind of abuse. Treating a young couple, with little kids, like that is beyond bad for their public relations. I would never fly this garbage airline after hearing such a disgusting tale of bigotry.

6 thoughts on “Jewish Family Terrorized During Spirit Airlines Flight

        1. The Jewish Lady Post author

          I heard their website crashed temporarily, probably from all the negative feedback people were attempting to leave. What a PR nightmare! I wouldn’t accept a FREE ticket from them.

  1. Dana Matthews

    I never understand why people are cruel, hateful and downright mean. It breaks my heart to see how people have become. Spirit continually writes their own pink slip.

