Preparing for a Heat Wave


This is supposed to be a very hot week here in New England, with temperatures close to 90 degrees. We don’t get a lot of days that warm, but when we do, it really bothers me. (I know my readers from the Southwest and Israel must be laughing!) Intense heat makes me feel very lethargic/grouchy and keeping up with simple household chores is a challenge! I find that preparing ahead of time makes everything seem a lot smoother.

1. Laundry

Using the washer and dryer, especially first thing in the morning, heats up the entire house unbearably. On Saturday night, I did 4 loads. Now, I’m all caught up and we won’t have to do any more until the heat breaks—hopefully…

2. Dishes

Same as the laundry, I did extra loads, making sure the sink and counters are completely clear of messes. I also picked up some paper plates/paper napkins, just in case. (Nothing worse than needing and not having, y’know?)

3. Food

The oven/stove will not be used, period! We’ll either grill or use the crockpot for entrees and snacks will be cold stuff like hard boiled eggs (I made 2 dozen yesterday), veggie sticks, nuts, and/or fresh fruit.

4. Drinks

We have 4 cases of bottled water, pitchers of infused water and Crystal Light in the fridge, and I’ll probably make smoothies.

5. Cooling

Central A/C is rare in my part of the country. Most people have window units (we have 3 total in our home). While I don’t run them all day, I definitely do use them when it’s uncomfortable, especially at night for sleeping in the second story. We also have fans, but I think they’re pretty useless. Another thing I love are energy saving curtains. When it’s super hot outside, I keep them closed at all times.

6. Limit Activity Hours

Anything optional that needs to be done is scheduled for early morning (before 10AM) or evening (after 8PM). If I have no choice and must be outside during the afternoon, I always leave early, take water with me, and try to make it short.

7. Pets

Normally, the pups love to ride in the car, but they’re staying home for now, with lots of cool water and shade. (We all hear horror stories about pets accidently left in cars or outside who die from exposure. Please be careful!)

8. Treats

Last, but definitely not least, are treats. What would summer be without ice cream and popsicles? I don’t go overboard with sugar, but a little something special, particularly if it’s cold and sweet, can make a world of difference.


How hot is it in your area?

8 thoughts on “Preparing for a Heat Wave

  1. Kay Rosenwasser

    With our temps in the mid to high 90’s in Texas now, I am planning to make gazpacho soup this week. It’s cold, very healthy and refreshing. We will have it for dinner with some crusty bread followed by a sorbet for dessert. Yum. In the summer, my cousin makes popsicles with gazpacho; sounds strange but her kids love it. Also, I make salmon ceviche. No cooking, the lemon and lime juice cook the salmon while it marinates in the frig, it’s flavorful and topped off with cilantro and avocado. Great as an entree, appetizer or snack.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      You’re a great cook AND an artist? Wow, I’m jealous! Gazpacho sounds wonderful. I have eaten ceviche, but never made it at home. Such good ideas you have. I also love cilantro.

  2. Terri Irvin

    We are breaking heat records in the west! In my area between 100 and 110… I just make salads with pre-cooked chicken in them and non-fat yogurt treats. Also iced tea and lemonade helps. I can’t afford to have the AC on all day but a cold shower helps then sit in front of a fan. We keep all the animals inside the house..our neighbor had a small dog die because of being left outside. Please be careful everyone.

  3. Delores Harris

    It’s 9:45 a.m. and the current temp is 102 degrees outside (inside it’s 73 ha, ha!). It will get up to 121 today & the coolest it will be is 85 about 5 a.m. tomorrow. I won’t go out today at all & chilled watermelon is my best friend.

  4. Teresa Moore

    I am in Florida. Our temps were low 90’s late last week with heat index of 101 to 105. I dont like summer here. Friday and Saturday we travel to southern Georgia where it is suppose to be 98 degrees both days!! Thankfully, we are going to a water park Friday evening. Tonight I am opting not to cook and go out to eat!

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      FL heat I am very familiar with because my sister lives there. Not only is it hot, the humidity is unreal! Nothing better than a water park during this kind of weather. Hope you have a safe trip and lots of fun.

