Supreme Court Sides with Masterpiece Cakeshop

The Supreme Court has finally weighed in on the “Gay Wedding Cake” saga, issuing a 7-2 ruling in favor of baker Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop

Because homosexuality is so polarizing, reactions have been understandably vocal. Those who oppose the decision are outraged and want this bakery closed forever, while supporters are celebrating with cheers, hugs, balloons, tears of joy, and prayers. One fan requested “God Bless America and Masterpiece Cakeshop” on the cake pictured above.

I’ve always felt this case was about religious freedom, not discrimination. Mr. Phillips never refused to sell the gay couple a ready-made cake, he only declined to create a custom cake—big difference. 

We must have an exemption for personal beliefs, particularly for those running food businesses that may be subject to dietary laws. Jewish and Muslim bakeries won’t bake pork pies; most Hindu restaurants serve no meat at all. Should they have to violate their standards to serve every member of the general public? Of course not!

Mr. Phillips was motivated by his Christianity, but there have been other instances when cakes were refused on secular terms—Walmart stopped selling Confederate flag decorations. A ShopRite grocery store in New Jersey refused to make one that would’ve read “Happy Birthday, Adolph Hitler Campbell.” 

There are businesses that cater to the needs of every community, including gay folks. Wouldn’t it make more sense to patronize a bakery that supported their lifestyle, rather than target a religious bakery that didn’t? I certainly wouldn’t file a lawsuit to force someone to observe Kashrut in their non-Kosher eatery. 

Reasonable accommodations are fair; forcing a baker against his will is not. A wedding cake isn’t an emergency situation. No one will die if they can’t have it made. It was never about inclusion, it was about forcing acceptance and that can’t be done. 

Every person deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. But those who don’t agree with gay marriage shouldn’t be forced to participate. 

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