20 Unique Hamantashen Recipes


Joy of Kosher has a great article featuring 20 unique Hamantashen recipes. Both sweet and savory are included, along with some combos I’ve never even heard of (pear with goat cheese; gingerbread apple; lemon meringue).

Hamantashen has come a long way from the treats I ate growing up. There were only two versions back then—one made from cream cheese or a pareve cookie dough. I will always enjoy the traditional triangle-shaped pastries, but I love all the new ideas, too. Aren’t these truffle pops adorable?


2 thoughts on “20 Unique Hamantashen Recipes

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      It’s time consuming because each one has to be sealed by hand. I only do it once a year for Purim, so it’s not too bad. On a daily basis, I agree that simple is the way to go.

