Amazing DIY Shower Favors – Part Two


In Part One, we learned how to make wrapped plants. Today, my sister, Jackie, will share her beautiful seed favors! I’m not the artist she is, so I’m really enjoying her tips on crafting…

Seed Favors

If wrapped plants seem like too much work, try making seed favors. These are equally affordable, but come together much quicker. (If you’re crafty like me, make both!) To make a dozen seed favors, you will need:

12 Organza pouches

Seeds  (I used Morning Glory)

12  2″ x 1″ plastic bags 

12  2″ terra-cotta pots 

12 peat pellets


I found the pouches on sale 6/$1.00, the plastic bags were 100/$1.00 and the pots were $0.32 each. I had peat and seeds on hand from my garden, but if you need those, they won’t be too expensive—look for sales or clearance.


To assemble:

You can put a seed envelope straight into the pouch, or if using seeds, I put approximately 30 seeds into each plastic bag. Put seed pack and 1 peat round into the organza pouch. Done! (How simple was that?!)


Pair the pouch and a terra cotta pot inside a gift bag. You can buy them, but I’d rather make my own. Stay tuned for my next post on how to make gift bags!


Do you like to craft?
