$100.00 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway


Since I received very good news today, I want to share the joy. I was thinking about what type of prize would really make someone happy and this definitely would work for me. (I buy something from Amazon almost every week.)

One lucky reader will win a $100.00 Amazon Gift Card by entering this giveaway. Good luck to all!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

21 thoughts on “$100.00 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

  1. Audrey Stewart

    This is so sweet of you! I am a devout Catholic and even have a sister-in-law who is a cloistered nun. I also have spent 20 years of my life, working for Orthodox Jewish people as their housekeeper.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      I have many friends that are Catholic. Once a year, my temple does an interfaith service with a local church. It’s such a nice experience for everyone to get together.

  2. Amanda P

    I’m not quite sure what is going on with my email subscription. I wanted to make sure that I was subscribed to your blog so I put my email in the subscribe box but it said that I have unsubscribed to emails! How do I turn it back on (re putting my email in didn’t change it)

  3. Courtney McGarvey

    It would be great to win the amazon gift card because I need to get a bigger car seat for my 21 month old son. I still have him in his infant seat that goes up to 35 pounds but his legs are hanging off the end. So definitely time to get a new car seat for him!

  4. ellen beck

    I am getting this message when I input the email subscription, but rechecked wordpress, I am subscribed, and checked emails and the last one I got was on 4/9
    Super Savings Saturday – 4/9/16
    by The Jewish Lady
    so I know I am subscribed

    Congrats on the great news!

  5. Ireon Williams

    Thanks for the opportunity I’m always buying things off amazon this would come at the right time

  6. Pingback: $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway | Just Sweep
