If you’re a member of the Ashkenazi Jewish community, your risk of carrying the gene that causes Cystic Fibrosis is 1 in 25. Folks, that statistic shocked me! Even worse: If both parents are carriers, children have a 1 in 4 chance of inheriting the disease. That is truly frightening, and quite frankly, is not well known.
The Jewish Journal recently published an extensive article about Cystic Fibrosis—what it is, what treatment is available, obstacles that sufferers face, and advances that may lead to a cure. Many individuals were interviewed, and their experiences are absolutely heartbreaking (average lifespan is only 40).
I would encourage everyone to read it. Chances are, you may know someone who has it. A lot of the side effects of this disease make people self-conscious, so it’s not always talked about.
Very important info that could save a life and may influence a couple’s decision to choose extensive genetic testing.