The sun is bad; for decades, we’ve been told that by doctors. Exposure to it, without protection, will cause premature aging, discoloration, wrinkles, leathery texture, burns, and possibly even cancer, thanks to UV rays.
Over-the-counter creams, sprays and lotions were supposed to be a miracle cure, with daily use encouraged. Many foundations, powders and moisturizers contain some—whether or not you want it.
A frightening new study has revealed that this “protection” may not be so safe, after all. The active ingredients—vobenzone, oxybenzone and octocrylene—end up in the bloodstream at much higher levels than previously thought, so high, in fact, that they’re actually dangerous.
Unless you have an allergic reaction upon contact, it’s not obvious that sunscreen could be a problem. Long-term use may cause endocrine disruption, infertility, Vitamin D deficiency and other health issues.
Yes, participants in the study used extreme doses, covering 75% of their bodies 4 times per day. While that sounds absurd, think about going to the beach, especially with little ones. Aren’t we told to reapply it multiple times, particularly if sweating or swimming? I know that I have used a lot of sunscreen throughout my lifetime!
For now, the FDA says not to worry, but I can’t help being concerned. Of course, I don’t want to blister and peel, however, I don’t want to be covered in scary chemicals either. Luckily, we do have options.

Physical Barriers:
Wear sunglasses, long sleeves, long pants, and hats when the weather allows. There is also a type of clothing that has SPF in the fabric like HydroChic. They make swim/sport bras that actually look normal!
Sun Safety:
Avoid prolonged exposure during the most intense hours, typically 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Remember that sunlight reflects off water and snow, so if you’re swimming or skiing, it can be worse.
If you like to make your own skincare, there are safer versions. Wellness Mama created a nice one that uses natural ingredients like almond oil, coconut oil, Shea butter, vanilla and zinc oxide.

We can’t protect ourselves from every potential threat, but we do have total control over what we put on and into our bodies. Don’t obsess about it, but be aware and exercise reasonable caution.
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