You know the old saying, “Beauty comes from the inside out?” It’s so true! One of the easiest—and healthiest—ways to look better is by eating beauty-enhancing foods. Cosmetics and skin care routines are vitally important, too, but nothing can replace a well-balanced diet.
Try incorporating these foods into your diet for a boost:
1. Salmon
Loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids, this can improve the look and feel of skin—especially if yours is dry. Even with mercury concerns, salmon can be eaten safely 1-2 times weekly.
2. Lemons
Freshly squeezed lemon juice promotes Vitamin C production. Combine lemon juice with hot or cold water for a soothing drink, or add into a homemade salad dressing.
3. Blueberries
Loaded with antioxidants, these little gems promote overall health by neutralizing free radicals. I love these in Purple Perfection Smoothies for breakfast!

4. Olive Oil
Essential fatty acids in olive oils hydrate and can reduce inflammation. Oils are high in calories, however, so use judiciously.
5. Cinnamon
This can help to stabilize blood sugar and is especially important for diabetics and those with pre-diabetes. Try sprinkling over apple slices or mixed into oatmeal.
6. Nuts
Another great source of essential fatty acids and Vitamin E. Nuts help with satiety, so a little goes a long way. I love to eat nuts as a snack or mixed into chicken salad. My favorites are almonds and pecans.
7. Kale
This is a super food! Low in calories and high in fiber and vitamins, kale is great eating. Many people don’t like the taste, but I find it’s most palatable when just slightly wilted. Overcooking is what makes it bitter.
8. Artichokes
Full of antioxidants and fiber, these tasty little gems can also help with indigestion. Did you know a single artichoke contains 15% of daily Vitamin C? I love to add artichoke hearts into pasta dishes.

9. Kefir
Kefir is a creamy, tart drink similar to yogurt that’s a great source of probiotics. The distinctive flavor is not universally-appealing, but if you enjoy it, by all means drink it up.
10. Green Tea
A delicious drink that’s low in calories and high in polyphenols. It may also aid in weight loss. I love to brew my own iced green tea. Very refreshing on a hot day! Don’t buy bottles of the pre-made sugary variety.
11. Turmeric
A relatively unknown spice in most American kitchens, turmeric increases circulation and helps red blood cells to keep from clumping. Turmeric can be found in Moroccan and Indian cooking.
12. Sweet potatoes
High in beta carotene, which is essential for Vitamin A production. I loved sweet potatoes almost every way—whipped, roasted, baked. Combine with cinnamon and nuts for a triple slam!
13. Eggs
A great, cheap source of protein, eggs are also loaded with iron, zinc, selenium, and sulfur—all of which help to create glowing skin and hair.
14. Flax Seed
Another great source of Omega 3, flax seed can be added to baked goods, soups, meatballs, hummus, or pureed drinks. Flax seed may lessen the pain of TMJ and it can help infertility issues. I buy the ground variety. Store in a cool, dry place.

In addition to these wonderful foods, don’t forget about drinking water! Dehydration is a huge enemy to beauty. Yes, all foods have water in them, but it’s not enough to be fully hydrated.
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