*Dangerous Toy Warning* Bunchems


I know many of you are still shopping for holiday gifts, so please be aware of a toy called Bunchems and avoid at all costs.

Bunchems are brightly colored balls about the size of a quarter. They’re covered with soft, squishy spikes that interlock with each other. Instead of being used for building as intended, they’re getting stuck in kids hair and are almost impossible to remove.

Thankfully I didn’t buy any before I heard the warning, but my best friend did. She spent 4 hours trying to pull them from her daughter’s long, thick hair. After trying conditioner, peanut butter, and oil, they finally ended up having to be cut out at the hairdresser! 

Don’t think it’s an isolated incident, either. I’ve seen similar complaints on Twitter and Facebook, calling Bunchems “a million times worse than gum.”


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