“Denial” is a Major Victory for Holocaust Truth


Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt’s experience with a bizarre lawsuit has been turned into an exciting courtroom drama starring Rachel Weisz (can you believe the normally gorgeous actress sported short, red, frizzy hair for the part? Wild!).

Sued in 1996 by notorious Anti-Semite and historical revisionist, David Irving, Ms. Lipstadt is forced to spend considerable time, money, and effort to prove that she is the one telling the truth (hard to believe, but British libel laws are very different from the America law. Over there, the burden is on the defendant). History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier, the book that the film is based on, is equally engaging.

Denial isn’t just a good movie, it’s an important victory for Holocaust truth. People can have different opinions, but they can’t have their own set of facts. The Holocaust did happen, millions died, and that should never be up for debate!

2 thoughts on ““Denial” is a Major Victory for Holocaust Truth

  1. Rust

    Truth is the first casualty of “political correctness” and I am glad to see this level of pushback. I hadn’t heard of this movie but now am interested in seeing it.

