Help Prevent Suicides


Did you know suicide is the 10th leading cause of death? Neither did I! Crazy, right? Any death is sad, but a preventable death is almost beyond words. There is so much shame/secrecy surrounding this delicate topic and that only compounds the tragedy. By being open and discussing the problem honestly, we can make great strides forward to eliminate these deaths.

Since this is National Suicide Prevention Week, we must all do our part to raise awareness. If you or someone you know is dangerously depressed, please seek out help! There are resources, both online and in person, that can make a huge difference. Don’t suffer alone.

While nobody close to me has ever committed suicide, I have had acquaintances that unfortunately did. The one I remember the most vividly occurred when I was a sophomore in high school. A classmate hung himself in a barn and it was devastating to the whole community.

Youngsters, in particular, are reluctant to admit their feelings. Parents, teachers, and those who come into regular contact with kids must be extra vigilant. Every single life is precious and nobody should be bullied or excluded to the point where they feel worthless.


Has suicide ever impacted your life?

2 thoughts on “Help Prevent Suicides

  1. kathy downey

    I never had anyone close to me has ever commit suicide but i have had people in my small community who did and it affects everyone.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Same here. Isn’t it ironic how people who commit suicide feel totally alone and then after they’re gone, the whole community pours out love and attention for them? So sad!

