Attempting to celebrate High Holidays during Covid is not easy. Chabad has compiled a huge list of resources that can help. Some of the topics covered include:
- How to celebrate at home
- Where to find outdoor services in your area
- Zoom services being streamed online
- Holiday themed videos
- Printable prayer books
- How to use a Shofar
- Guides for those in isolation due to illness or quarantine

While this is not ideal, it’s the current reality. I know how hard and depressing life has been for the past 7 months. People are feeling a lot of anger, grief and other negative emotions as this nightmare continues to drag on.
Personally, I think in-person events should be offered, in a temple, for those who want to attend (those who don’t feel safe can pursue virtual options). I want to celebrate and enjoy the holidays as a community. Everyone is so lonely and sad. That’s not a good way to live. Being cautious is fine, but at some point we need to return to real life.
My local congregation is having services in a park. Since rain is predicted, I’m not sure how that will work. The temple, which has adequate seating to distance and windows on all sides that could be open for fresh air, will remain closed. Seems like hysteria to me, not just being careful.
Let’s pray that 5781 will shape up better than 5780 did. I wish each and every one of you a happy new year.