The Ideal Wardrobe – Pins


Pins are an often overlooked accessory, and I can’t fathom why! They are so pretty and versatile. I think some ladies are unsure what type to buy and how to properly place them, so they skip pins all together.

Start by deciding if you want silver or gold. Look for small to medium-sized. For daily wear, I’d pick something simple that has a special meaning for you. If you identify closely with a certain symbol or animal, a pin is ideal. In my family, we all seem to be drawn to certain animals—cats, bees, alligators, butterflies, etc.

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If you don’t like animals, try a leaf or a flower.



Birthstone pins are also awesome. I’m a turquoise (December), but I love February’s amethyst since purple is my favorite color. If you have a special man in your life that asks what gift you want, ask for a double-heart pin. You will think of him every time you wear it.


Now that you have a pin picked out, you may be wondering where to place it. Pins can be worn a variety of ways, some of which are unconventional:

* Lapel   (If you’re left-handed, wear it on the left side and vice versa. We tend to lead with our dominant side and this gives the pin maximum exposure.)

* Collar   (place in the center of a V-neck, Peter Pan, or crew)

* Shoulder   (against shoulder blade, not on top)

* Dress   (between the bust, can gather extra fabric if slightly bunchy)

* Hair   (used to accentuate a bun, headband, or ponytail)

* Hat or Beret   (tends to look retro, but in a good way)

* Scarf   (can be done with a heavy winter scarf or light silk one)

* Skirt   (place at the waistband, top must be tucked in for this look)

* Evening wear   (try pinning to small clutch or shoes)

There’s a very good pin tutorial with many more ideas and pics  here.

While pins are nearly goof-proof, there is one disaster we should all avoid and that’s overkill. I don’t recommend wearing more than 1 pin at a time, especially if you’re wearing other jewelry. It’s simply too much. Take a cue from Jennifer Aniston in Office Space; you really don’t need that much “flair” to be stylish.



Do you like pins?
