Is Massive Jewish Immigration the Answer?

Extra Space Storage

In response to the horrific terrorist attacks in France and Denmark, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is encouraging the massive immigration of European Jews to Israel.

While I’m very fond of Netanyahu and usually agree with his views, on this issue, I definitely do not. I certainly understand why he fears for their safety in a world full of anti-Semitism. I don’t think, however, that removing every Jew from European soil will stop the attacks, nor will it stop the sick, misguided beliefs that perpetuate them.

In a free society, law-abiding individuals have the right to live any place they choose. For centuries, Jews were denied this basic freedom, forced to become a nation of wanderers, separated from the Holy Land, and trapped in miserable areas like the Pale of Settlement, Warsaw ghetto, and far worse.

We, as a People, had done nothing to deserve this exclusion, just as modern-day European Jews have done nothing wrong! Why should they heed the Prime Minister’s call and flee their homes, businesses, family, and friends? It should be the criminals leaving, not the victims.

Islamic terrorists dream of a Jew-free Europe, just as Hitler did. Through fear, violence, and intimidation, they seek to destroy what is good and replace it with pure evil. Decent people can not stand for that. When NYC was attacked on 9/11, politicians weren’t telling American Jews to move to Israel. Rather, everyone was focused on rebuilding and preventing further destruction, just as Europe should be now.

Obviously, any Jew that wants to move willingly can and should be able to do so. Israel truly is a safe haven for all and I thank the dear Lord for that every single day. Knowing, should the need arise, that every Jew can relocate and start over again in comfort is priceless. Many died for this privilege we enjoy and it should never be taken lightly.

But we don’t want to confuse options with obligations. Those of us who were raised in the Disapora have had a very different experience than our Israeli brothers and sisters. Neither experience is superior, or “More Jewish,” as some seem to believe. A fulfilling Jewish life can be had most anywhere on the planet, no matter how rural or remote.

Massive Jewish immigration, whether it’s to the U.S. or Israel, isn’t the answer. Every community, in every country, should be protected and preserved. In the 1930’s and ’40’s, European Jewish communities were under attack. They were told to relocate and never come back. The few who did were spared, while the masses were murdered. Can we, in good conscience, ignore this important historical lesson?

The past has taught us that peace can only be attained through strength and threats must be faced head-on. Running from an enemy doesn’t guarantee they won’t follow. Islamic terrorists have made the entire world their battleground.

I support sending aid to the European Jews, so they can defend themselves. If we don’t, these vibrant communities gradually cease to exist, and once they’re gone, will remain so forever. We only have to look at the devestation of post-war communities in Poland, Austria, and Germany to see that. So many incredible people, temples, and buildings were wiped out, along with art, music, and a culture that spanned centuries.

The Secular governments of France and Denmark are not against the Jewish community and had nothing to do with the attacks. Yes, France doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to Anti-Semitism, but I believe that’s changing. Denmark has always been a special friend to us. During WWII, Denmark was the only European country that saved every one of their Jewish citizens, and their own king wore a star in solidarity. The French and the Danes are good people and they don’t want any more innocents to die.

Perhaps the debate can best be summed up with a quote from Copenhagen’s chief rabbi, Jair Melchior, “People from Denmark move to Israel because they love Israel, because of Zionism. But not because of terrorism. If the way we deal with terror is to run somewhere else, we should all run to a deserted island.”

I’m not running, the chief rabbi isn’t running, and nobody else should either. I just wish the Prime Minister could understand why…


Are you in favor of European Jewish immigration? Why or why not?

2 thoughts on “Is Massive Jewish Immigration the Answer?

  1. Stan Berg

    I laugh when Bibi claims moving to Israel makes Jews safe. Israel has been under constant attack from the Arabs since the day statehood was declared in 1948.

