Israeli “Hostility” Towards Jews for Jesus?

Jews for Jesus (Photo:
Are Israelis “hostile” towards so-called Jews for Jesus? According to an article in the Christian Post, the Orthodox community is “violently against them.”

While I’d readily agree that most Jews don’t believe in Jesus and don’t want anyone proselytizing to them, there are numerous wild claims that need to be addressed:

1. “Anti-Christian sentiments remain strong.”

Completely false! Being Jewish doesn’t make someone Anti-Christian. Far from it actually, most of us welcome Interfaith dialogue and friendship (I certainly do. I respect all religions and don’t consider any inferior to my own).

2. “Anti-Messianic Jew sentiments remain strong.”

So obvious but it must be repeated: A belief in Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior is not compatible with the Jewish faith. If you do believe in Jesus, you’re a Christian, period. Sure, an individual can choose to believe/worship in any way they see fit. The Jewish community, however, is not going to agree with it. Most Jews I know don’t hate Jews for Jesus; rather, they’re viewed as mixed-up and/or misinformed.

3. “Hundreds of Haredi are secretly reading the Gospel.”

This claim has been bandied about for decades. While I don’t doubt some Jews are curious about Christianity, I seriously question the source and their agenda. Most of the Orthodox folks I’ve known personally won’t even read a Reform prayer book, let alone a New Testament.

4. “Russian immigrants are open to Jesus.”

Again, misleading because it’s a known fact that most of the immigrants from the former Soviet Union had no exposure/connection to Judaism prior to living in Israel. Some have never truly adopted a Jewish lifestyle and some were actually Christian to begin with.

I am a firm believer in openness and honesty. Information is meant to be shared and no one’s access should be limited. That said, special interest groups are not a reliable source. Anyone who goes to Israel with the intent of confusing/converting the vulnerable is not doing the right thing. I wouldn’t ban them from speaking to consenting adults, but children, hospital patients, mentally challenged, and others who are at a disadvantage should be protected.


How do you feel about Jews for Jesus?

6 thoughts on “Israeli “Hostility” Towards Jews for Jesus?

  1. Delores Harris

    My belief is “Jews for Jesus” are Christians and should be treated with the same respect Jewish people show other Christians. I suspect many (of course not all) young people who rebel against Judaism by becoming Christian will eventually return to the fold. The education in Christianity they received during their sojourn will allow them insight into Christians for life so it’s not necessarily a waste. It does however take quite a toll on parents & grandparents of these young people.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Oh yes, I have seen it cause terrible strife within families. Sometimes it’s just a phase, but for others, they truly believe in combining Judaism & Christianity into a single religion. Doesn’t make sense to me.

  2. Terri Irvin

    How should Jews feel about Christians who want to convert them? If someone comes to me with an aggressive or negative approach then I feel very resentful if they try to convert me. However if they are doing it out of love, than I do feel better about it. What motivates Jews for Jesus? Are they trying to convert us?

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Yes, their goal is to get every Jew to accept Jesus, which I think is not only offensive but crazy. I don’t mind discussing Christianity with someone who follows it, provided they accept my beliefs.

