Snagshout is Freebie Heaven


Hunting for freebies has been one of my favorite hobbies for a long time! Most of my deals involve matching a store sale with a coupon, but finding freebies online is even better (and less work).

Snagshout is a review site that I check most mornings. They have a huge stock of ever-changing products available at a discount. In exchange for an honest review on Amazon, you can request a code and use it to buy tons of good stuff. Provided you have Prime, shipping is free and some items are too.

Anything that’s 100% free, I snag. This is most often vitamins and skincare. (Even if I won’t use it, I can donate it, so there’s no downside.) I will pay for items I actually need like a $0.99 USB cord ($10.00 cheaper than Walmart) and $0.50 gardening gloves.


Keep in mind that not every item is a bargain. Currently, they have a $899 Moped—certainly not a small purchase, but it could be good for those who want it. Searching by price will narrow down the options obviously. Personally, I don’t go over $5.00 which keeps the impulse buying to a minimum.

Completing a snag is effortless. The code is available instantly upon request, then the purchase is made through Amazon. When you first sign up, you can only do 1 snag at a time. Once the review is verified and accepted, another request can be made. I’m up to 4 simultaneous snags now because I’ve been doing it for a while.

Snagshout is definitely worth checking out if you’re a freebie fan like
