My Skincare Routine


If you’re the sort of person who enjoys peeking inside someone else’s medicine cabinet, you’ll enjoy this post about my skin care routine. For point of reference, I have sensitive skin and many chemicals/fragrances bother me, so I try to use only the products I actually need in the most gentle forms. I also want a routine that’s super quick and reasonably priced so I can stick with it long term.


Unless it’s summertime and I feel sticky and/or greasy, I just splash lukewarm water on my face. If I’m planning to do activities outside the home, I’ll put in my contacts and apply makeup. If I’m not going out, I wear my glasses and no makeup (just being real here!).


There’s no particular skincare product or line that’s a must-have for me. I’ve been obsessed with beauty since I was a pre-teen and tried pretty much everything available—both drugstore and department store. I only use two products on a regular basis: cleanser and moisturizer.


Currently, I’m using Simple Foaming Cleanser (I have always preferred a foaming cleanser to any other type because it seems to clean better for me but doesn’t strip the skin). I wash my face once if I have no makeup on and twice if I do to take everything off. 


Every night I also use my Michael Todd Soniclear face brush. Yes, it’s definitely a luxury, but I love how clean it makes me feel and it does a great job of exfoliating. Before I had it, I would exfoliate with a washcloth or use baking soda. Both of those methods work fine and are cheaper.

For moisturizer, it’s Simple Ultra-Light Gel. My skin can feel tight, especially during a harsh New England winter, so I love to moisturize when the weather is cold. I like this one because it comes in a pump which prevents finger contamination and doesn’t contain sunscreen.


Products I don’t use:

Face Wipes—I know many ladies that swear by baby wipes or face wipes to remove makeup but they don’t work for me. The convenience factor is awesome, but they’re too harsh.

Toner—Way too strong and unnecessary anyway.

Anti-Aging products—I’m in my 30s and this is starting to become an issue, but I haven’t jumped on the bandwagon (yet). I’ve heard great things about retinoids, but I’m scared of a reaction.

Eye cream—Itches and burns me like crazy, probably because I have Dry Eye Syndrome.

Products I use occasionally:

Face masks—Usually the homemade variety, during at home spa days.

Spot treatment—Anything with benzoyl peroxide works best for a blemish.

Eye Makeup Remover—I use a separate oil-free eye makeup remover for anything waterproof or stubborn.

Lip balm—Before bed if I’m chapped.


Of course, it should be stated that the best skincare routine is one that’s done consistently! And no product can compensate for a bad diet, lack of sleep, sun worship, etc. This is especially important for me because I have a sleep disorder and it’s unreal how different my face looks when I’m rested vs. no rest.

Diet, I can also see a big change. Anyone struggling with skin issues should look at gluten, dairy, and sugar—all of which contribute to the problem. Drinking plenty of water and regularly eating fresh fruit and veggies helps so much, too. Probiotics can also be great in this regard.

And the sun part? Well, up north we don’t get much exposure and when I travel to warm climates, I have to be vigilant to prevent horrible sunburns. I never went through a tanning phase when I was younger because I’m so pale and I’d rather cut my own throat than ever get inside a tanning bed!


What skin care products are you addicted to?
