New Year, New Diet


Confession: Since Thanksgiving, I have been pigging out big time! I know this is typical for the holidays, but eating so much extra fat and sugar has left me feeling terrible (bloated and lethargic, mainly). According to the scale, I haven’t gained any weight, yet I feel squishy all over and very puffy in the tummy.

For our New Year’s Eve celebration, we had planned on ordering deep dish takeout from UNO’s and also having cookie dough ice cream. While I’m craving this food like crazy, I absolutely must put my foot down—not tomorrow, not next week, today.

It’s going to be a new year and I want to focus on being healthy. That means no more soda and sweet coffee drinks, no more desserts, no more chicken/turkey with skin on, just no more crap!

Instead, I will be focusing on whole foods like soup, salad, fresh fruit/veggie snacks, and lots of water, along with remembering to take my vitamins daily and getting to sleep on time. All of the bad stuff has been cleared from the fridge and I replaced it with 5 pre-made salad kits. (When I’m too hungry/tired and need to grab something now, there won’t be any excuses since it’s already waiting!)

For the next 3 days, I’m doing a strict vegetarian cleanse. Yes, it will be rough, but I’m hoping that once the bad food habits have been broken, the cravings will settle down in time. If I’m extra cranky, you’ll know why. Wish me luck!


Anyone else struggling to quit junk food? Let me know so we can encourage each other, complain, swap stories, etc!

11 thoughts on “New Year, New Diet

  1. Terri Irvin

    Good luck! I have decided to start on January 1. It is going to be extra hard because I really love pizza, chips and diet coke and that is going out in the trash. I also love Starbucks holiday coffee drinks and they have so many calories in them! I got a fitbit and will concentrate on walking 10,000 steps every day in 2016. I did great for three days then blew it yesterday but I am back on track today!

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      I am addicted to all of those foods, too! Anything fat/sweet/salty. Don’t feel bad about slipping up, it happens to the best of us. Wishing you very good luck with your new diet. I know you can do it!

  2. Delores Harris

    That 3 day veggie thing sounds like a recipe for disaster! You’ll do alright with fruit for sweet cravings but how are you going to satisfy the salty pangs?

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Honestly, it has been so hard! I’ve been putting olives in my salad and some salt on cooked veggies so that’s ok. The worst part is lack of caffeine and the sugar highs.

  3. Alicia

    I am doing the hcg diet. Started Christmas morning. I did good until this morning when I had some sweet bread… But I have not given up. I think one treat a week will be long as it is a serving and no more.

  4. Kelly

    Good luck! I am going to start my new “diet” tomorrow, but that is making me try to eat all the bad foods in my house today. I think this might be an error in my planning 😉

      1. Levi

        Dear Jewish lady….any advice on how to stop craving salted mocha caramel frappichinos all day and night?! I would like to kick this habit in 2016, for both my waist line and my wallet! I’m inspired by your resolution! Good for you and thanks for the kick I needed myself! 🙂

        1. The Jewish Lady Post author

          Personally, I find the only thing that helps is time. At first, my sugar cravings are so strong, but after a week or two, it really evens out. Eventually you won’t crave the sweets as badly. As for the caffeine, I don’t know any solution to stop needing that. Have you tried sugar free energy drinks or stevia in coffee?

