A Heat Wave is headed towards New England, with temps over 90 degrees predicted for the next 3-4 days. That kind of news makes me nervous, so I’m doing everything possible to prepare.
We’re fortunate to have A/C window units in 3 rooms, which normally keeps the inside plenty cool. I will be running them round-the-clock as a precaution (much more often than normal). In the den, we also have two ceiling fans.
For the windows, I have heavy curtains up that block the light and put reflecting film on the French door as an experiment. If it actually works, and that room is much cooler, I would definitely put the film on all glass.
Water, of course, is a major concern. I purchased 4 family packs of water, 4 gallons of water, and filled up 2 pitchers for the fridge. Again, just as precaution. Lime and lemon slices for the water are ready to go and I made iced tea concentrate in case I need more flavor.
For meals, it will be cold only—toast or cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and dinner salads with chicken strips or tuna. I made egg salad, potato salad and fruit salad yesterday for sides. Also, lots of fresh veggies, fresh fruit and pretzels and crackers. In the late evening, if my hubby is inclined, he may grill. The oven and stove are not being used, no matter what.
The kitties and pups have an extra water bowl, extra food bowl and will be kept inside except for needed breaks and a quick walk.
In case the power goes out, which is my greatest fear, I do have flashlights and batteries on hand. When the heat is this extreme, we probably would go to a hotel, though, if it lasts for more than a few hours.
Otherwise, it will be a normal weekend, at home. If I’m able to shop today, there will be Super Savings Saturday to report; if not, look for it next week.