In addition to welcoming anti-Zionist speakers and Iranian officials, they’re now promoting BDS by linking to a pro-BDS story on Twitter.
BDS, of course, is a movement designed to bankrupt the State of Israel and limit trade abroad. It is a wickedly awful movement!
A Jewish museum should support Israel; that’s obvious. If the leadership of the Berlin museum doesn’t agree, they need to go.
After receiving tremendous criticism for the Tweet, they backtracked, claiming they “only wanted to call attention to the issue.” (Very pathetic and cowardly.)
If the German parliament recognizes that BDS is wrong, the Jewish museum should as well. It’s just absurd.
Update on 6/14: After massive pressure, the museum director was forced to resign. This is why it’s so important to make your voice heard. If it bothers you, speak up!
It wouldn’t be Shavuot without tons of ice cream and/or cheesecake, right? Most of us take it for granted, but folks with food allergies can’t be so laid back. My Relationship with Food is a great cooking blog designed especially for people who deal with that issue. Raw Matcha Cheesecake sounds—and looks—incredible!
Imagine a cheesecake that’s egg free, dairy free, and gluten-free, yet still tastes good. The eye-popping, 4-layer combo caught my attention on Instagram, and I added it to my Shavuot menu.
Matcha, for anyone who isn’t familiar, is a type of green tea powder. Supposedly, it has 100 times more antioxidants than regular brewed tea. The taste is distinctive, but not bad, so don’t be afraid to experiment.
So what is actually in this recipe? It’s an interesting mix of brown rice cereal, agave, nut butter, cashews, pistachios, coconut oil and a few other things. Because the creator is based in the UK, the measurements given on her website are metric. I did use the translator and printed it out for myself; however, I haven’t actually made it yet, so I’m not sure if my calculations are right. Because of that, I will simply link to her and let everyone make up their own mind.
Because it requires soaking nuts overnight to make the filling, don’t wait til the last minute. Yes, it requires extra time/effort, but it’s fun to have such a special cake on the holiday table. I wouldn’t do it every week; for Shavuot, Raw Matcha Cheesecake is definitely worth it.
Once again, the “radically inclusive” gay pride parade known as Dyke March has demonstrated an unbelievable amount of anti-Semitism by banning the Israeli flag.
The fact that some of the organizers are Jewish but declare themselves to be “Self-Loving Anti-Zionists” demonstrates the absurdity of the situation.
When they did this 2 years ago, and caught tons of grief for it, both from Jewish and Gay groups, they were unrepentant. Since they’re doing it again now, they obviously haven’t learned anything.
Just how bizarre is this group? An opinion piece in the Washington Blade speaks volumes. Entitled “We don’t have to choose between Dyke and Jewish identities,” its co-authors crow about how they love their unique lifestyles and condemn Zionists for discriminating against them, insisting, “We’re Jewish Dykes. We’re Dyke-ish Jews. We don’t have to choose!”
The fact that no one is asking them to choose seems to be irrelevant. If someone, over the age of 18, decides to engage in homosexuality, of their own free will, let them. I don’t care what other folks do, but they can not claim the high ground when they’re in the wrong. They’re not living according to Jewish Law and by banning Jewish symbols at their March, they’re not open minded or accepting either. They’re pushing an agenda; those who do not agree have no place in their world.
If someone is Jewish by heritage and they openly state that they hate Israel, Zionism, Jewish stars, Jewish tradition, and the 613 Jewish Commandments, they are NOT a real Jew. Judaism is a religion, not a social club. They can spin it a million ways, but that’s reality.
If they truly cared about Judaism and the Jewish People, they wouldn’t ban Jewish symbols from a gathering. Of course, when you’re motivated to appease Arab terrorists and their defenders, it starts to make more sense.
“We choose to prioritize Palestinian lives and justice in Palestine over lazy symbols,” the authors say, the supposedly Jewish authors… (Let that one sink in for a minute.)
These sorts of parades are always negative. They only stir up controversy and accomplish nothing. Many of the participants are nude, or partially clothed, and engage in lewd behavior on public streets, in front of all ages, including children! (Google the photos; you will be shocked.)
Seeing younger Jews—the Dyke March organizers are under 30—who are so brainwashed, leading such deviant lifestyles, breaks my heart in a million pieces. This is not what a Proverbs 31 woman should do.
If the Jewish community can agree on anything at all, which is rare, we should agree that Zionism is paramount. Anyone who proudly claims to be an Anti-Zionist can not also claim to be a Jew.
One of the women, who said she takes Uber twice a DAY, has never experienced anything like it and was positive his motivation was anti-Israel bias and anti-Semitism.
She reported the incident to Uber, but received no reply beyond an automatic email. Only when the Jewish Journal got involved did they take it seriously. The good news is that hideous bigot was fired! Unfortunately, it’s happened before in other locations, so they still have a long way to go.
I can’t imagine a situation where the reverse would happen, with a Jewish driver asking an Arab rider to leave. It’s so crazy to me. Any form of discrimination is wrong, period.
Personally, I prefer Lyft. Uber drivers that I’ve met tend to be less friendly and there are more reports of riders being abused and assaulted by Uber than by Lyft.
What has happened to customer service, professionalism, and human decency? Such a sad state of affairs.