My heart is so heavy today, thinking about the innocent men, women, and children who perished for no legitimate reason during the Holocaust. While Jewish victims receive the most attention, there were many, many others who were also terrorized, abused, and murdered. We need to acknowledge and remember ALL of the victims. Every single one was a person, had a soul that was created by God, had done nothing wrong, and deserves to be honored.
The Jewish Virtual Library has compiled the most accurate list, with so many victims, it’s hard to even conceive of such evil.
Number of deaths broken down by group:
Jews: Approximately 6 million.
Soviet civilians: Approximately 7 million (including 1.3 million Soviet Jewish civilians, who are included in the 6 million figure for Jews).
Soviet prisoners of war: Approximately 3 million (including about 50,000 Jewish soldiers).
Non-Jewish Polish civilians: Approximately 1.8 million.
Serbian civilians: Approximately 312,000.
Disabled People: Approximately 250,000.
Romani Gypsy: Approximately 200,000.
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Approximately 1,900.
Criminal offenders : Approximately 70,000.

So often, when statistics are quoted, the individuals are lost in the magnitude, but we need to focus on each and every single person, what they sacrificed, and how they can never be compensated. The least we can do, as a society, is to make sure that the past is not repeated and put an end to genocide.
The killing must stop, along with hatred, violence, cruelty, and prejudice. Love, compassion, faith, and tolerance are the answer. And for those who think that Holocaust education isn’t important, look at this chilling statement…

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