A disastrous appearance on The View has showcased the deeply anti-Semitic views held by Women’s March co-founder Tamika Mallory. Given an opportunity to renounce her support for Islamic extremist Louis Farrakhan, she refused, confirming that she indeed called him “The Greatest of All Time” years ago and still holds that opinion today.
Mind you, this is a man who constantly attacks Jews and Israel, who leads a group that’s on the terror watch list, who tweets insane statements like “Jews are termites…Jews are slave masters…Hitler was a wonderful man…” and other offensive garbage.
Mallory, along with her equally atrocious co-founder, Linda Sarsour, are some of the worst anti-Semites I’ve ever seen! Their March has never been about helping women; rather it hurts women by promoting a dangerous and biased agenda.
Even though this information has been public record since 2017, the most liberal members of the Jewish community refused to believe the truth, choosing instead to be apologists for these sick people. However, even they have their breaking point and it seems that all Jewish support for the Women’s March has evaporated (as it should).
Rabbi Hirsch summed it up best, explaining why his congregation wouldn’t participate anymore: “In the aftermath of Pittsburgh, anti-Semitism can no longer be a narrow concern. If you tolerate or are sympathetic to those who are prejudiced against Jews, we cannot stand with you. If you deny Israel’s right to exist, we cannot stand with you.”
A splinter group, the “Women’s March Alliance,” will be holding a competing event in NY this weekend and some Jews have endorsed the counter-march. Personally, I want nothing to do with either group. They do not represent me or my views. Instead of encouraging unity, as Americans and as women, they want to divide us.
I would strongly encourage everyone to boycott the Women’s March crowd, especially the Jewish community. Their values are NOT our values. We should only associate with good groups that promote true empowerment for all women, not a select bunch of lunatics and radicals.