Does Jesus have anything to do with Hanukkah? If your answer is
“Of course not,” you’d be right. Unfortunately, a scam ministry called Chosen People doesn’t seem to recognize that.
They are offering free booklets, specifically targeting the Jewish community, that pretend to be about the history and story of Hanukkah, but in reality, it’s a sham whose purpose is to encourage Jews to accept Jesus under deceptive methods.
They even go so far as to claim: “Jewish followers of Jesus see Hanukkah as a time to celebrate another gift of God to our people (and the whole world!) –– Jesus the Jewish Messiah!”
First off, there are no Jewish followers of Jesus. Anyone who accepts Jesus as the Messiah is a Christian. Why there would be any confusion on that simple fact is beyond me.
If someone wants to preach the gospel, they can do that, provided they are being upfront and honest about their intentions. It is incredibly offensive and unethical to targets Jews by using Hanukkah in a way that might disorient someone who isn’t knowledgeable. (It’s no coincidence that their name is “Chosen People,” a phrase that is always connected with Jews and anyone who sees it would rightfully assume its a Jewish group. They know that and are playing off it in a most disagreeable way.)
The Jewish community does not need outside intervention. We celebrate Hanukkah because it’s a Jewish holiday. It has nothing to do with Christianity, nothing to do with Jesus, and nothing to do with Chosen People ministry.
I would never tell someone else how to worship. I would never try to change their belies. All I ask in return is the same courtesy. I’m happy to work with, and have friendship, with Christian groups and individuals, but not if their only goal is to secretly convert me!
Boundaries are a good thing and they need to be respected. Let’s all stay in our own lanes and stop trying to change others.