Crazy Men’s Fashion: Jeff Goldblum in Zebra Outfit

When I picture a 6’4, 66-year-old man, a head-to-toe Zebra outfit doesn’t come to mind. Evidently, Jeff Goldblum has a different mindset. A recent photo from his Instagram, featuring him in a matching sweater and skintight pant combo, has over 178,000 likes. (No joke.)

Such an outfit would be considered weird on a teen idol, but on someone old enough for Social Security, it’s downright ridiculous.

Perhaps it’s a desperate attempt to look young and hip. Perhaps he thinks it’s cool. Whichever, it’s still weird and not flattering, similar to a granny wearing a miniskirt. 

The funny part is that in the past, he was actually considered to be quite fashionable, and has been featured on multiple GQ magazine covers. Compare today’s look with the 80’s and it’s shocking.

What happened to the time when every man and every women dressed to look their best? Where is the age-appropriate, gender-appropriate clothing? There is a difference between male and female, kids and adults. We’re not supposed to all dress alike. Things have become so mixed up and silly, it’s about shock value, not looking good. 

Personally, I love clothing from the 50’s and 60’s, when men wore tailored suits and ties. Ladies always wore fitted but modest dresses and looked so beautiful. Androgyny seems to be the goal these days which is sad indeed. 

Society mimics what Hollywood puts out. How are young people supposed to be normal when a senior male wears an outfit meant for a teen girl? It’s getting nuts! We need to stop the insanity. Clothing should be tasteful, not vulgar. It should make the wearer feel better not worse. These crazy styles don’t add anything positive to the world. 

Let men return to masculinity and women return to femininity, and please, for the love of everyone, keep the seniors away from animal print. 

Loren Jacobs: Always a Kook, Never a Rabbi

A puzzling new term has been invented by the media: “Christian Rabbi.” If you’ve never heard of such a thing before, you’re in good company. (Prior to 3 days ago, I certainly had not.) While there is no such thing as a Christian Rabbi, it does fit when trying to describe an individual as confused and odd as Loren Jacobs

Mr. Jacobs has been all over the news since he was invited to speak at a Michigan rally for political candidate Lena Epstein. Vice President Pence was also a guest, and it seems everyone involved now regrets it deeply. 

During his remarks, Jacobs, who was supposed to be paying tribute to the Jewish victims from the Tree of Life shooting, went into a bizarre rant about Jesus. Mind you, his sole purpose for being there was to represent the Jewish community. 

Here’s the thing: Jacobs is not a Rabbi, he is not a member of the Jewish community, and nobody in their right mind would consider him an authority on anything to do with Judaism. 

To be considered a Rabbi, in any of the Jewish movements, it is mandatory that you attend a Jewish Seminary. The training, which last for 5 years, includes study of the Torah, Talmud, Mishnah, Jewish history, and Hebrew language, and usually includes studying in Israel for an extended period as well. Only then, after completing all of the above, can you be ordained as a Rabbi.

Jacobs has done none of these things. Instead, he chose to attend Moody Bible Institute—a Christian college—and then decided to form his own congregation, devoted to “Messianic” Judaism aka Jews for Jesus. Mrs. Jacobs, who is just as crazy as her husband, describes herself as a “fifth generation” enthusiast for the cause, per their website.

The Jewish community in Detroit, where they have lived since the 1980’s, wants nothing to do with them. Jacobs is not listed as member of the Michigan Board of Rabbis and is not recognized as such by any legitimate source. At one time, he was affiliated with the so-called Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, but even they found him so offensive, that he was stripped of membership in 2003, due to an ethical violation. 

Definitely, this is not a good guy, however you slice it. Why he was involved boggles the mind. The speech he gave, even more so. Whatever the intention, it has backfired big time. 

If someone believes in Jesus as their Messiah, they are a Christian. That’s perfectly fine, nothing wrong with being a Christian, but you can’t believe in Jesus and be Jewish simultaneously. A child understands that. Loren Jacobs, who knows but chooses to ignore that very basic fact of life, should never be looked at as an authority figure. He is of low moral character, promotes teachings that are contrary to Judaism, and does not feel any shame in doing so. 

He was never a Rabbi, he’s always been a kook, and going forward, he should be avoided like the plague he is. Lena Epstein, who is Jewish, should’ve known better. Either she didn’t care or didn’t know and that’s equally bad. 

The Tree of Life victims, and everyone in the worldwide Jewish community who mourns for them, deserve more. I welcome prayers and support from the Christian community. I feel grateful to any Pastor that is publicly offering words of friendship and compassion. But I do not want a fake Rabbi spewing nonsense at such a vulnerable moment. It’s dangerous, hurtful, and unnecessary. 

Loren Jacobs is the worst sort of fraud, who preys on people when they’re hurting the most, for this own gain. It’s absolutely repulsive. He can call himself a “Christian Rabbi” all he wants. The rest of us will call him what he is: a liar, a fraud, and an opportunist.

$100.00 Kohl’s Gift Card Giveaway

Calling all Kohl’s fans, here’s a giveaway you’re sure to love. Enter to win a $100.00 gift card and shop ’til you drop for Hanukkah. I love their huge selection of toys, clothes, housewares, and cosmetics.

This giveaway will be open until 11/25/18. (Don’t forget that Hanukkah is early this year, starting on December 2, so we have to prepare.) Good luck to everyone.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Update on 11/27: Congrats to winner Jacob T.

There’s Nothing Wrong with Enjoying Halloween

Anytime I post Halloween content, I’m flooded with hate mail, telling me that I’m “wrong” and “ungodly” for celebrating such a “bad” holiday. One individual went so far as to claim that I was “inviting demonic possession into my family” because I reposted a picture of a stuffed pepper cut to resemble a Jack ‘o lantern.

Folks, that is absolutely crazy!

Halloween is about candy, pumpkins, face painting, costumes, and family fun. It’s not about Paganism, Satanism, Witchcraft, or mischief.  There is a difference between religion and religiosity—I know where the line is. It is NOT wrong for the Jewish community to participate. It is not evil, it is not wicked, it’s just harmless fun. 

We have to be careful not to become overly rigid and narrow-minded. That kind of fundamental thinking sucks every bit of joy out of life. It makes people a slave to the Laws, rather than understanding that the Laws are here to help, protect, and guide us. 

I grew up celebrating Halloween, within a Jewish home. It never affected me negatively, nor did it ever tempt me to embrace the dark side. Can that happen to people under extreme circumstances? I guess so, but it’s highly unlikely. Most of us recognize Halloween for what it is and stay away from anything that could be bad or dangerous. 

Please use common sense. God is good, religion is good, but being a fanatic is not. We need a healthy balance. Most secular celebrations are fine, whether it’s Halloween, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, etc. It doesn’t make us any less Jewish, it is not a sin, and participating—should you choose to do so—is definitely acceptable. 

I loved Halloween 30 years ago and I still love it today. I will keep celebrating because I know in my heart that it’s not immoral in any way. I’m not out in the cemetery at midnight, conjuring spirits; I’m buying a purple lipstick and eating a few Milk Duds. That’s all. 


I’m sure most of you will agree with my perspective, but if you don’t think Halloween is right, feel free to state why.