Passover Game Giveaway

The holiday countdown is on! Even though I’m racing to put the finishing touches on tonight’s Seder, there is always time for a wonderful giveaway. This one is from 613 Games, designed especially for Passover.

Back in January, I did a giveaway for the TorahLine™ Exodus from Egypt card game, which was the first in a series. Now, an expansion pack is available that can be used as a companion piece for the original. Since the first giveaway was so popular, it’s such a joy to offer another one.

This quick, fun, and informative game allows you to learn Torah in only 15 minutes. Sounds perfect for youngsters, short attention spans, and those who are short on time (basically every Jewish family on the planet)!

Both games will be front and center tonight at my house, making our festivities extra special.

The Passover Game Giveaway will have TWO winners, but the turnaround is quick: it will only be open thru 4/18.

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