Pesto With Almonds


Whenever I find big bunches of basil on sale, I always feel the urge to make pesto. Pesto is one of my favorite sauces for pasta. Most standard pesto recipes use pine nuts. Mine doesn’t because of two reasons: they are extremely overpriced and I never have any on hand. Instead, I make pesto with almonds.

To make pesto with almonds, you will need 2 cups of fresh basil, 1/4 cup of sliced almonds, 2 cloves of garlic, and a 1/2 cup of oil(can be olive oil or veggie. I’ve made it both ways successfully).



Pull out the food processor. (Yes, this step can be a pain, but it’s worth it. I always make a double batch and freeze the extra.) Puree all of the ingredients until a smooth consistency is reached. Some people like it slightly chunky. Add salt and pepper to taste. I like a hint of red pepper flakes, too.

This should coat a box of your favorite pasta. When I make pesto with almonds, I typically use gemelli or spaghetti. The base recipe is parve, but if you want a meat meal, feel free to put some chopped chicken in. For a dairy meal, add some parmesan cheese.

Pesto pasta makes a wonderful meal when paired with salad and bread. If you’re carb-counting, skip the bread and eat a smaller portion of pasta. Even on a diet, it’s just too good to pass up!

Do you like pesto?
