Can’t make it to the Sukkah? The Sukkah will come to you!
Chabad has dispatched mobile Sukkahs around the globe, meeting the need for a safe celebration during a crazy time of sickness and uncertainty.
Some of you will recognize the infamous “Sukkah Mobiles” which are either large tractor trailers or smaller pick-ups, equipped with everything needed to observe the holiday on board. A newer edition, called “PediSukkahs” are attached to the back of a bike and are foot powered.
According to Chabad, “During Sukkot there will be armies of rabbis, rabbinical students, and lay volunteers who making socially-distanced house calls with a lulav and etrog to ensure that people isolating, especially those who may be COVID-vulnerable, are not forgotten on the holiday.”
As usual, I am so impressed with Chabad’s efforts. More than any other movement, they are truly committed to outreach, particularly for the unaffiliated community.
Be on the lookout for mobile sukkahs in your area. FYI: It’s not just in New York! The article mentions Wisconsin, Alabama, Germany, Hungry, etc. I have also seen one advertised here, in my local area, which is Northern New England. Very exciting and helpful for everyone.
For those who choose to avoid public observance this year, there’s an excellent Guide to Celebrating Sukkot at Home that I liked and there will be online virtual streams too.
How ever you choose to celebrate, I wish everyone a holiday filled with love and peace.