Readers Pick The Next Giveaway

It’s time for another giveaway and I’m opening the floor for suggestions. Whatever gets the most votes, wins.

In 2017 and 2018, I tried this option and it was a lot of fun. The top votes back then were for gift cards, kid stuff, food and beauty products. I’m guessing it will probably be the same now, but you guys sometimes surprise me.

So, feel free to throw out ideas. The only limitation is please keep the prize to $100 or less. Thanks, everyone!

28 thoughts on “Readers Pick The Next Giveaway

  1. Elisse

    My top Jewish pick would be $100 gift card for so i could get all sorts of yummy things like frozen Melauach and Yemenite schug hot sauce and Israeli Sura Olives! My next top Jewish pick would be a $100 at Otherwise an eBay gift card… And yes, whatever you decide on will be wonderful! 🙂

  2. Joni

    What i would love is a Thin Blue Line silicone wristband but that’s probably just me. I’ll think of something real good.
    How about mugs. or pillows! no one ever has enough of both

  3. Jeffrey

    I think that having either a Visa gift card or amazon gift card giveaway would not only be good for most people but practical as well since most people.

  4. Audrey Stewart

    I love to shop at Amazon. I buy a lot of my supplies for my elderly rescue cats that I shelter. My 2nd. choice would be Friskie’s Canned Cat Food.

  5. Regina

    My vote would be either a Visa Gift card or Kroger gift card-since the holidays are approaching. Perhaps instead of a $100 prize, maybe four $25 ones to four different winners? Thanks.

  6. Mindy

    I would be happy to win just about any kind of gift card and like the idea of splitting the contest up into more than one gift card for smaller amounts (two $50 or four $25?). Thank you for involving your readers and for your generosity!

  7. Pauline Milner

    Thanks for the opportunity! I really like Gift Cards to a major retailer or a prize package with a nice variety. Also, thanks for the great blog!

