Release Of “The Rabbi’s Hitman”


Have you heard that Len Jenoff was released from prison this week?

For those who didn’t follow the case, here’s a little background. In 1994, Fred Neulander hired Len Jenoff to kill his wife, Carol—in her own home, during a staged robbery, where she was viciously beaten to death.

Oh, did I mention that Fred was a Rabbi and Len was his congregant?!

This case has always fascinated me because it’s so unbelievable. How could a Rabbi do this? How could a congregant do this to his Rebbetzin? Popular opinion says that Fred wanted Carol dead so he could start a new life with his mistress. There may be some truth in that, but I think it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Fred is an ego maniac who cares about no one other than himself, especially his own 3 children—one of whom was the responding paramedic to his own mother’s murder! That is the true definition of heartless.

As for Len, he’s a pathetic scumbag. Yes, he’s a drunk who met the Rabbi at AA. Yes, he was easily manipulated by him. Yes, he’s a liar. In a very small way, he’s another one of Fred’s victims; however, no one forced him to take part in the murder. He is responsible for his own actions.

Now, he gets a new life, thanks to a plea deal. Does he deserve to walk out of prison? That’s not for me to say, but I know one thing for sure:


This innocent lady will never walk out of her grave.


Do you think Len Jenoff deserves to be released?
