Shopping For Passover


There’s not a single product in the photo above that I’ll be buying, other than Matzo, when I shop for the week of Passover. Gasp…

Yes, there are some folks who literally empty their kitchens and refill it with Kosher for Passover (KP) foods, but I’m not one of them. This is so wasteful and completely unnecessary. Passover lasts for a week, not a year! We don’t need every product on the market.

I treat Passover as a week of low-carb eating. Why buy tons of special products when most of our regular foods will do? These foods are always KP, even if they don’t have the KP seal:

*Matzo in any form

*Fresh whole fruit

*Fresh whole veggies




*Nuts, nut flours, and nut butters 


*Spices/Herbs/Non-Iodized Salt

*Coffee/Tea (There is debate over K-Cups).

*Obviously, any processed/package food that has the KP stamp is also acceptable.


Not so restrictive when put that way, is it? There’s a debate among some Jews over whether the following foods are considered KP:

*Dried beans and lentils
*String Beans
*Sesame Seeds
*Poppy Seeds


My family never restricted those foods, so I eat them during Passover. (We always drank Coke and Sprite, regardless of the corn syrup.) It’s up to you; do whatever you feel is best. I make my regular meals, with the starches eliminated. The right attitude is what makes or breaks the stress of Passover restrictions. Accept it and the week flies by, wallow with cravings for pasta and you’ll be miserable!

When shopping for Holidays, I apply all of my usual strategies—buying on sale, using coupons, and shopping at multiple stores. Most grocery stores, especially in the Metro areas, will have a huge assortment of Passover products. If you’re in a small town, you can buy anything online.

Do you buy KP foods?




8 thoughts on “Shopping For Passover

  1. eunkyungsuh

    I buy some of the KP items you listen without realizing they were in harmony with your Jewish customs. I have been reading on the ideology of the attitudes toward certain foods as far as why they are “unclean” or unkosher. Is there any less known fact about kosher practices that you could share?

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      The kosher dietary laws can seem complex. Basically, there are 3 types of allowed foods: meat, dairy, and parve (neutral). Plus, all the foods that aren’t allowed. As for lesser known facts…hmmm…well, did you know honey is kosher but the bee isn’t?

  2. Angel

    I’m loving reading your posts and learning about your customs on the food! I have never really known much about “kosher” it’s so great to learn!

