Solidarity Shabbat for Angela Davis is Outrageously Wrong

A pathetic group of turncoats down in Birmingham, Alabama held a “Solidarity Shabbat” for Angela Davis, a notorious anti-Semite. In addition to her hatred of Jews and Israel, she is a confirmed Communist and former Black Panther with a lengthy criminal history.

Someone with her record doesn’t deserve ice in the winter, let alone an award, yet the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute was willing to present her with a humanitarian honor. After much protest, they rescinded it—as they should’ve. (Why an honor would be given to someone with that resume is beyond me.) 

Now, it seems they’re waffling and the offer has been reinstated, but she isn’t accepting. Either way, the strangest part is seeing so-called members of the Jewish community attempt to defend her. This video from Democracy Now—which is a horrible group, FYI—shows the sad state of the Secular wing. I would bet my pinkie toe that not a single one of the Jews featured is religious. More than one of them talked about being “Social Justice Jews” which is just another named for Humanism. 

If someone is Jewish, and by that I mean a believer in Judaism as a faith, a nation, and a people, they would never side with our enemies. Once you do, you’ve become nothing more than a collaborator. Jews who denounce Israel and Zionism are mentally ill, period!

Angela Davis is an evil woman. She has no respect for the Constitution, for America, for our Military, for other races, for traditional male-female interaction, or anything else that normal folks hold dear. She is a radical and a fanatic. 

I believe strongly in civil rights. I respect all races. Those who fought the good fight definitely deserve to be recognized for their contributions. I would gladly support their efforts, if asked. Instead of Angela Davis, give that award to Alveda King. She is doing so much important work and I admire her a lot. 

Character is supposed to matter. People who have no integrity, no morals, and no values do not deserve awards. Let’s give them out based on merit, not virtue signaling. 

4 thoughts on “Solidarity Shabbat for Angela Davis is Outrageously Wrong

  1. rosannepm

    Keep up the good work is spreading the word about Angela Davis a Communist and Black Panther with a criminal background. I am 64 years old. I was around when these “terrorists” and anarchists were active in the 60’s and 70’s. Yet somehow these left wing extremists who were bombing buildings and killing people wound up teaching in our universities indoctrinating our children into their left wing agenda and this is how we wound up with someone so off the charts as Alexandria Octavia Cortez and the push towards socialism in this country.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      The fact that Angela Davis was a professor is frightening! She belongs in prison for all her crimes. The Black Panthers were violent terrorists. Black Lives Matter is the next chapter. None of this is safe for society. Socialism and Communism are both anti-American and I don’t like any of it.

  2. ellen beck

    I am only a tad younger than the above poster and also remember the late 60s and 70s well. I agree totally with what she says…..the horrible part though is it started in ‘our’ generation and spiralled out of control only getting worse. I could rant on this for days but will leave at that.

    I am glad you bring awareness to these issues, so many forget or werent even around when alot of the old stuff happened to know how truly off the wall some groups were. (and some still are)

