Spaghetti Squash Makes a Super Side Dish


Have you ever eaten spaghetti squash? If not, you definitely should try it! It’s a healthy, delicious, and low-carb side dish that will compliment a variety of meals.

For a long time, I resisted cooking squash because I was scared to cut it up (I don’t like fussing with hard shells and knives; you probably don’t either). I’d heard from a friend that squash can be roasted whole and after I tried that method once, I was hooked.

The cooking directions truly could not be simpler:

Start by placing a whole squash on a baking sheet. Roast at 400 degrees for 30 minutes. By that point, it’s much more pliable, and will easily open, allowing you to gently scrape out the seeds. Then flip the halves over, and return to the oven for an additional 45 minutes. That’s it!


After cooking, let the squash rest until cool enough to handle. With a fork, scrape out the cavity. The strands appear somewhat spaghetti like, but obviously taste nothing like pasta! Some people even claim this can be topped with tomato sauce and used as a replacement. Not true…

Spaghetti squash can be made into a sweet or savory side. For a savory version, try adding citrus juice, butter/margarine, and salt. If you want it sweet, add a little brown sugar.

I made this last with the salmon I found on sale, steamed broccoli, and baked potatoes. It was very well received!

3 thoughts on “Spaghetti Squash Makes a Super Side Dish

  1. Marti Tabora

    This is good to know, I always wanted to try it, but didn’t know how to cook it or what to do with it.

  2. tat2gurlzrock

    I tried cooking this for the first time a few months ago and it turned out really good! I added butter,salt and pepper and it was so delicious!

