Stick Pics Anywhere with HP Social Media Snapshots Photo Paper


This post is part of a sponsored campaign with HP and Mom Select. All opinions are my own.

While photos are easy to take, they can be hard to display. Tape and thumbtacks can ruin the picture, but not every image is worth framing. HP has developed a solution for this common problem: sticky-back photo paper called Social Media Snapshots.

Similar to a Post-It, this glossy 4×5-inch paper is easy to use and equally easy to remove, making it a great option for those who live in apartments, dorms, or want to use a common area that can’t be altered permanently.

Like the titles says, it’s very social media friendly. Simply download the HP Snapshot app and then you can print from your Instagram, Facebook and Flickr feeds, as well as your camera. Each photo can be customized with text, dates and locations. There are also several cool frames available. 


HP generously gave me some photo paper, a printer, and ink so I was able to try it out. The opportunity was too much fun to keep to myself, so I invited some friends over to help, including some well-dressed critters, in their best party clothes. (That’s Oscar and Charlie, accompanied by big-dog pal Bailey, in their favorite Ninja Turtle costumes!)


It was so nice to have a wireless printer available that worked perfectly while hooked up to our smartphones (many don’t and it can be so frustrating!). Plus, the print-and-stick technology couldn’t be quicker. I put this photo on the wall right next to the garage and now we get to see it everyday, coming and going, which I love.

Since a party isn’t a celebration without food, I had to bake something chocolate and delicious to share. We enjoyed a wonderful evening courtesy of HP. Photos, snacks, and friends = awesome!


Want to get in on the photo fun? Pick up some HP Social Media Snapshots photo paper, available at Staples. Print your favorites and then share your images with hashtag #StickaPic and tag @Staples.
