Super Savings Saturday – 2/22


It’s time for another edition of Super Savings Saturday!

This week was a bit disappointing. I started off at the mall, hoping to get a freebie at Lane Bryant, only to find that the store has been closed! (Not everywhere, just at my mall.) So much for that…

There was nothing at Rite Aid I wanted, ditto for CVS. I did manage to find a few goodies at Walgreens. Not every week is a grand slam; that’s why consistency is key with couponing.

Walgreens: 2 Yes To Cucumbers wipes, $3.29 each, I used 2  $3.50 Manufacturer’s Coupons (marked down.) Total: free!

Secret Clinical deodorant, free with a coupon from (Sent to me months ago and expires 2/28). Total: free!

3 packs of Angel Soft, on sale for $3.99, I used 3  $0.50 Manufacturer’s Coupons, plus 3  $0.50 Store coupons. The total was $8.97, I added in a $1.29 candy, so I could use a $10RR (at Walgreens you can’t have more coupons than items.) Total: $0.26!

Seven items for a quarter and a penny, you can’t beat that!


What did you buy this week?

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