Teen Charged with Murdering Rabbi


In what has got to be a new low, a fifteen-year old boy was charged with murdering a rabbi.

When Hasidic Rabbi Joseph Raksin was murdered last August in Miami, it was initially thought to be a hate crime and Jews around the world were outraged. After a lengthy investigation, we’re now hearing that robbery was the real motive.

What kind of insanity is this when a grandfather is shot down while walking to synagogue at 9:00 AM? The thing that’s so ironic here is that the Orthodox don’t carry money on the Sabbath and the robber literally killed someone for nothing, unaware.

Personally, I wonder where the parents are when youngsters are running wild and have access to guns. That level of family dysfunction can’t be allowed to go unchecked.

Full story can be found here.

4 thoughts on “Teen Charged with Murdering Rabbi

  1. Terri Irvin

    The amount of guns we have in this country (more than 310 million guns) tells volumes about the unchecked violence we have in our country. 73% of children under the age of ten know where their parents keep firearms. Something has to change! I am so sorry to hear about the Rabbi… .:.(

