The True Meaning of Memorial Day

One of the couponing groups that I frequent posted a bunch of stuff for Memorial Day. The majority of these deals and freebies were specifically for Military families, Active Duty, and Veterans. Since Memorial Day is intended to honor our fallen heroes, this makes perfect sense to me. 

It was shocking to see the amount of nasty comments many folks made, complaining that everyone should be entitled to the deals. (How unbelievably petty, huh?)

Should we not recognize, as a society, that our military men, women, and their dependents deserve special privileges? They are willing to sacrifice their time, their living arrangements, their health, their safety, and sometimes even their lives, to provide freedom and security for our nation. 

Not a day goes by when I don’t pray for these brave souls who allow me to live in comfort. At the bare minimum, they deserve our thanks, and if a business is willing to provide a free meal, or a free flag, or a discount, that’s even better. 

Since we no longer have a Draft and every member of the military is a volunteer, we should be even more grateful. Less than 1% of the country has ever served. That is really incredible when you think about how few people are making the sacrifice for the greater good. 

As a proud patriot, I can’t say enough good things about our military. Every member who died is entitled to be honored and those who may have to give their lives in the future should also be acknowledged. They are the backbone of our great nation, yet some would begrudge them a free burger. That is truly sad!

Let’s celebrate the true meaning of Memorial Day. Put up a flag. Go visit a military cemetery. Say thanks to someone in uniform. Attend a parade. Do anything that recognizes what this special day is supposed to represent. We are Americans and we need to understand that freedom isn’t free and those who provide it deserve our gratitude. 

15 thoughts on “The True Meaning of Memorial Day

  1. Natalie

    My dad and both of my grandfathers served in the Air Force and Navy. I appreciate their sacrifice.

  2. Debra Holloway

    It is good to hear good things about our military. These men and women sacrifice a lot for us, should be appreciated by us, and taken care of by our government.

  3. heather

    I really enjoyed reading this post. It upsets me so much that people ignore the true meaning of Memorial Day.

  4. Eldon Bell

    I agree with you. Military should get special privledges. This holiday was made to acknowledge the service and sacrafice they have made

