Traif: Controversial Restaurant Becomes a Web Series


Opening a restaurant is a leap of faith. Most chefs dream about it, and those who actually do it, try to pick the ideal menu and location for success. Chef Jason Marcus is an exception to the rule. In 2010, he and his wife opened “Traif” a non-kosher establishment that served up tons of bacon and shellfish. While those foods may be popular in most areas, they most certainly are not wanted in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn! This Orthodox enclave didn’t think the menu—or its creators–were anything to celebrate. (The fact that Marcus is also Jewish only added to the chaos.)

Inevitably, it became a huge controversy. Instead of causing a terrible crash and burn like most predicted, it attracted a lot of media attention, positive reviews, and a non-kosher clientele. 6 years later, the restaurant is still going strong and has even inspired a web series. 


Traif: An Unkosher Series is a lighthearted, funny show that features an excellent cast. I was invited to preview the first 3 episodes and found it most enjoyable. The main difference is that the location has been moved from NY to Los Angeles, but that doesn’t detract from the message. An added twist is that the fictional chef also hosts a late night cooking show which adds to the silliness.  Another unique aspect is that each episode focuses on a special dish or ingredient—some of which have been inspired by the real chef Jason—and the recipes will be on the series website for fans to recreate at home.

Traif’s public release will be on December 23rd. This is one that’s definitely worth watching, provided you have a sense of humor. (Yes, Kashrut is a serious issue, but it’s ok to feature another perspective.)
