When the Day Seems Ruined Before 9:00AM


It’s only 8:40 AM and the day’s already been so rotten, I feel like crawling back under the covers. It started by being woken up in the middle of the night by a neighbor’s barking dog. That noise went on for an hour! Just as I was finally drifting back to sleep, Pumpkin the cat started howling and crying, then proceed to be sick—all over my bed!

Needless to say, I wasn’t getting any more rest. I got up, got myself into the shower, and then started the first of 3 loads of laundry. Groggy and grouchy, I went to make coffee, only to discover the bag was empty…

In an attempt to cheer myself up and put my mind onto something productive, I decided to make granola bars. This is something I’ve done numerous times and should’ve been easy (emphasis on should). For some crazy reason, instead of using my tried-and-true recipe, I used a new one that required coconut oil, organic pumpkin seeds, and a bunch of other items that are expensive and rarely used.

Maybe I didn’t read the directions properly, or I’m too tired to focus, but whatever the reason, the result was a complete disaster! As you can see from the photo above, a large portion of the granola stuck to the pan and isn’t even edible. So much for that idea…

Later on, I’m supposed to take a very reluctant patient to the dentist, shop for groceries, and host out-of-town guests for dinner. I’m so anxious and overwhelmed, I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. One thing’s for sure: Tomorrow has to be better!


Anyone else having a bad day? I truly feel your pain.

4 thoughts on “When the Day Seems Ruined Before 9:00AM

  1. Julie Wood

    I am very sorry for your bad day. But I think I am having one too! I have tons of stuff to do and it is too cold to go anywhere and do anything. I hope we have better days tomorrow!

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Sorry to hear you’re also having a bad day. Weather-wise, I can’t complain. We’re having record highs here in New England, supposed to be 73 degrees today. Crazy for November. What part of the country are you in?

