Why I’m Praying for Anna Duggar


The Josh Duggar scandal just keeps growing. First, came the shocking admission of child molestation, and now he’s been caught cheating on wife Anna with multiple women he met thru Ashley Madison.

His simplistic explanation: “I’ve been the biggest hypocrite ever.” 

OBVIOUSLY! While pretending to be holier than thou in front of the camera, in private he was committing criminal acts (molesting his own sisters) and immoral acts (adultery).

I find it sickening when so-called religious people use their power and position to hurt and deceive others. True people of faith don’t judge, don’t shame, don’t lie, and don’t cheat. 

Nobody is perfect; because all humans make mistakes, sometimes these things do happen and when they do, the proper response is to atone and stop the behavior.

Josh Duggar has behaved improperly for more than a decade, which proves he’s not sorry.

This is no different than the lies perpetuated by Ted Haggard, Rabbi Freundel, and numerous other scammers who cloak themselves in righteousness while doing evil in God’s name.

Josh may portray himself as a victim, claiming his privacy was violated, but what about the real victims—his wife and 4 children. They haven’t done anything wrong and are paying dearly for his sins.

Anna Duggar is in a terrible position. She has little education, no freedom, no money of her own, and probably no self esteem. She has been taught that women have no value outside of being human birthing machines—common in the Duggars’ ultra-conservative Christian faith. She is isolated and without a voice.

To me, that’s just slavery by another name.

Anna, like every other woman, deserves better. She deserves to make her own decisions, enjoy her own life, and know that she and her children are safe from harm. While I don’t normally advocate divorce, I think in this case, it is definitely acceptable. She needs to step away from Josh and the pseudo-cult lifestyle. 

Religion and faith can be wonderful things, provided they’re not twisted and used as a weapon. They’re meant to enhance our lives, not cripple us with unattainable expectations. I can only pray that Anna Duggar will realize that one day…

3 thoughts on “Why I’m Praying for Anna Duggar

  1. Sandy Cain

    I’m with you 100%. She was sold a bill of goods, by the WORST kind of hypocrite – one who held himself up as role model for “Christian family Values”, while publicly condemning the LGBT community as “sick and un-Godly”. He tried to brush off the molestation of his sisters as “curiouslty of a little kid”, and swore all that was behind him, that his family and God had forgiven him. And now this.

    I’ve seen every single episode of their show, and loved it. Beginning with Josh’s long-distance courtship of Anna, I was impressed by her sweetness and sincerity. I can’t begin to imagine what she’s feeling now. I am praying that her parents and siblings fully support her, and don’t allow her to feel as though somehow, she has partial blame in this. (As I’m sure the Duggars are hinting to her). I pray that they load the truck, drive up to Arkansas, and take Anna and her kids back to Florida where she can start a new life, with someone who deserves her. She has been dealt the ultimate betrayal.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      I was also a huge fan of the show, starting with “14 kids and pregnant again.” The Duggars have a unique story and it sucked a lot of people in. Once I learned about their intolerance and crazy views and now the child molestation, I’m glad TLC pulled it. Isn’t it crazy how they blame the women for everything?! Anna hasn’t done anything wrong.

  2. Amy Orvin

    I don’t know what’s happening to people today. The only thing I can say is that the devil is on a rampage seeking whom who may devour! The world is so sad, evil and scary!

