World’s Newest Jewish Community in Madagascar


Madagascar, a tiny island off the coast of Africa, is home to the world’s newest Jewish community

Those of us who are history buffs will recall the numerous proposals to make Madagascar a Jewish homeland before the creation of modern Israel. Instead of forcibly relocating or willingly enticing Jews, this group of pioneers are all converts. How’s that for unexpected! 

I’m curious to see how ritual life will develop in an isolated country where no one’s ever been exposed to any of the Jewish traditions, holidays, customs, and foods that the rest of us consider second nature. At the very least, it’s an interesting sociological experiment and if the community actually thrives and grows, how amazing would that be! I say the more the merrier and wish them all the best.

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4 thoughts on “World’s Newest Jewish Community in Madagascar

  1. Erika

    Complete joke. I don’t care what these Africans delude themselves into thinking. They’re not Jews and never would be. The Rabbi who did the conversions should be ashamed of himself!

