3 Ways Clutter is Hurting Your Finances


The following guest post will be very beneficial to anyone struggling with clutter!

Whether you admit it or not, your old clothes, electronics, books and
toys can have a great impact on your wallet, especially if you find it
difficult to manage your money.

Letting go of unnecessary stuff at home has many benefits. First off, it will help you to create a more comfortable home environment and increase room space. Secondly, it has been proven that clutter may have a direct impact on your wallet. Many people are unaware that overstuffed closets can be directly connected to monthly budget woes.
Here 3 ways clutter is hurting your finances:
1. Unused items exceed what’s used regularly

Look around yourself. Are there plenty of old clothes or other things that you do not use for any occasion? If so, a clean out is in order. All of these items cost money and aren’t making any by hanging around! Whether by donating to charity, or by holding a garage sale eliminating unused items is crucial.

2. Being sentimental  

By holding on to unused items simply because they have sentimental value, you miss the unique chance to get some extra money for them. There is no point in keeping such old stuff, you don’t want, wear, or even like. Go through every item and estimate its worth. 
3. You can’t find recent purchases
Who among us hasn’t bought something then misplaced it in an over-stuffed drawer or closet? This mistake is too common and costly! The moment you start resorting to duplicate purchases, because a recent purchase has been lost, clutter has taken over.
Clutter accumulates over time and it won’t be gone overnight either. But once you realize how badly it hurts your finances, you can take the right measures and focus on removing of all the unnecessary items .

This guest post was submitted by After the Builders in Kensington.
